Inframark: Where Your Water Comes From

Feb 12, 2025

Ground Water VS Surface Water

The two different types of water that are able to meet community water supply needs are ground water and surface water. Surface water exists above ground and includes any freshwater that is sent into wetlands, stream systems, and lakes. On the other hand, groundwater exists in subterranean aquifers that are situated underground. Most groundwater is obtained from surface infiltration like rainfall that may take hours or even years depending on many factors like depth and rate of recharge. As this water flows downward, it will settle between cavities and fractures that are found in rock layers.

Water Treatment

Both ground and surface water can contain contaminants that need to be treated before being used within the community. Surface water can become contaminated by air fallout and runoff. Groundwater can pick up contaminants from seepage and soil percolation.

Some of the major chemical groups that are monitored and tested in drinking water are:

  • Inorganic Contaminants
  • Organic Contaminants
  • Radionuclides other than radon
  • Microbial Contaminants
  • Disinfectant Residuals
  • Disinfection Byproducts
  • Lead and Copper


Even though groundwater is the main source of water for drinking water supplies across the country, it’s important to understand that the pumping of groundwater over decades has caused the ground to sink. Subsidence can increase the risk of flooding and damage underground infrastructure in areas in which the ground is settling. Therefore, mandates have been put in place over the next several years to switch to surface water. This switch to surface water is critical to the future of the Houston metropolitan area, and the evolution to surface water will reduce subsidence and ensure our future water supply.

The Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)

Once a year, as part of the regulatory process, consumers get a report on the quality of their drinking water from the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). This detailed report, which provides definitions, abbreviations, and results for the nonspecialist, is a snapshot of what is in the water for your water supplier. This report indicates whether the system is compliant or non-compliant with regulatory standards. It provides average sampling levels, minimum and maximum detectable levels, and the sources of these chemicals along with other information.

The safety of our customers is paramount to Inframark. You can be assured that we are continually monitoring, testing, and following all required regulations.

Customer Service 281-579-4500