Best Trash Collection Update

Jan 27, 2023

FBMUD 57: Thank you for your feedback regarding trash service with our new provider. Your MUD Board of Directors has been able to come to an agreement with Best Trash to continue to pick up 65-gallon containers in Pine Mill Ranch at an additional cost to the district - but still less than originally quoted for providing new containers to all.

Please see the below information:

To clarify, if you have an existing 65-gallon TRASH container, you may continue to use it for garbage collection. Also, as a reminder, please continue to leave your old RECYCLING CART from Texas Pride on the curb for the next 2 weeks so they can be picked up.

In addition, Best Trash released to the following statement:

"Best Trash will collect residential refuse located at the curbside in resident owned carts up to 65 gallons in size. Best Trash will only service one 65-gallon cart per home. For aesthetic purposes, please try to confine all refuse inside the cart. If items exceed the capacity, please place the items alongside the cart in other containers or bags not exceeding 50 gallons or weighing over 40 pounds. Carts should be placed in the street up against the curb so as not to block mailboxes or interfere with traffic. Carts will be returned to the curb in a neat and professional manner."