Water Conservation Notice

Jul 1, 2022

Notice to Residents:

Due to the severe heat and weather conditions, North Fort Bend Water Authority has requested a voluntary water use reduction. We ask that all residents conserve water by considering the following measures:

  • Even-numbered addresses irrigate on Sundays and Thursdays between the hours of:
    • Midnight – 10:00 AM or
    • 8:00 PM – Midnight
  • Odd-numbered addresses irrigate on Saturdays and Wednesdays between the hours of:
    • Midnight – 10:00 AM or
    • 8:00 PM – Midnight
  • Limit non-essential water uses
  • Check for leaks, and
  • Make sprinkler adjustments as needed to avoid watering sidewalks, driveways, and roadways.

Ensure that you have the most recent information as it relates to Fort Bend MUD 57 by signing up for the District Alert System, and receive communication through text and email updates. Additionally, the District website will be updated, as needed, with information regarding droughts, weather and storm warnings, flood risks, and any possible impacts to facilities or drainage as a result of weather.

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